Thursday, November 7, 2013


I am far behind on my posting - these two cuties are keeping us pretty busy! Here's one from today to tide you over until I get my act together.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Three Months

Cam will be three months in just 2 days and I can't believe it. Following her sister she is far more like a six month old. Very chatty, ridiculously strong and always observing. And in true Yardley style she is always engaging. Yet another social butterfly on our hands.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I grew up with brothers. Having two girls is really exciting, especially since Elodie now let's me tie up her hair and put her in pretty dresses. Much fun in store!

My first attempt at a french braid. I was pretty proud of myself, lol.

Evolution of the Perfect Pout

Ellie was good.

But Camille really has it down to an art.


I can't really believe it but Elodie is three! How the time flies. We will no longer be able to say, "She's two." and watch the expressions on strangers faces, as she is tall enough to be a 5 year old. (Seriously...43"!) And when she acts up and throws a fit, I will no longer be able to use the excuse, "She's only two.". Two has been interesting to say the least, her character has exploded into this amazingly beautiful, kind and hilarious kid and I cannot wait for what lies ahead. Plus, Elodie tells me that when she's three she won't throw things anymore and she'll always obey, so that's something to look forward to, lol. So far she's actually kept her promise, but it is only day 2...


Family Picture

I've been trying for three years to get a nice picture of the three of us. Now that we are four it almost happened. One day we will all be looking at the camera and no one's clothes will be disheveled. For now, I'm pretty happy with it. :)

Sweet Sibling Kisses

This picture of the girls really reminded me of a few shots from when I was little. Enjoy.